Justin’s Milk Chocolate Mini Peanut Butter Cups are my literal kryptonite
Ughhhh why I did I start this? LOL! Even just typing “no sugar” makes me cringe. Sigh… it’s hard because it’s hard right?
Okay so maybe the first two weeks were a bit easy for you–were they? Water was a challenge for me as you know–but 30 mins of exercise was a breeze! I love working out so much and looked forward to it daily. Make sure to CHECK IN over in the BABELIFE Community!
When I opened my notes on what I’ve planned for these challenges this week was “no sugar” and to be honest, I almost switched it. Ha! Let’s do something ELSE this week… but nope. I stuck with it because the point here is to do HARD things. Hard but GOOD things.
I have a confessions: I’m OBSESSED with Justin’s Mini Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups–like full on obsession. The problem here is that I because they’re a “no junk ingredients” food, I tend to justify their health level and eat a lot of them. (They’re “healthy” right? lol. no.)
And while my justification isn’t WRONG…and when I eat them I absolutely savor them (they way delicious food should be eaten)…and legit take like 4 bites (they’re tiny!) of each one. They’re still loaded with sugar.
Dun Dun Dun.
Too much sugar has more adverse affects on your body that I care to think about–yikes! It affects your: brain, mood, teeth, joints, skin, liver, heart, pancreas, kidneys, body weight, sexual health and more. Check out more deets here (or literally just Google ‘SUGAR’).
I’m usually not a far of total elimination diets (except harmful chemicals, you should def never consume those…more on that in coming weeks!)–I feel like a rebel when someone says “NO ____” It’s all I can think about. However, I also don’t like counting and measuring things. PLUS we’re only talking about one week here.
I’ll also define what I mean when I say “NO SUGAR” because sugar comes in many forms. Here’s what type of sugar I’ll allow: (for myself at least, this is your journey so interpret it how it suits you best as LONG as it’s a challenge!): sugar from fruits and veggies, monkfruit sweetener & stevia. That’s it. Also I’m going to keep my fruit to low-glycemic fruits such as blueberries, strawberries & raspberries. For a list of low-glycemic foods click here!

Yum salad. Tastes just like a peanut butter cup. :-p
BEWARE: Sugar is a SNEAKY ingredient in MANY foods! Make sure you’re looking at labels! It can be in: health drinks, protein shakes, salad dressings, sauces, medicines, creamers, MOST drive through anything, juice, peanut butter, and MORE. Seriously, I challenge you to check EVERY label! Just because you bought it at a health food store or it has a healthy looking label–does NOT mean it doesn’t have sugar!
Alternatives: heres’ the real deal. Going without SWEET tastes is just not something I’m willing to sign up for. Nope. I absolutely LOVE my monkfruit sweetner (be VERY careful with your sugar alternatives–many contain cancer-causing chemicals!), stevia is also great but sometimes leaves a funky aftertaste. I do love Truvia brand stevia. Peep my Instagram stories this week for yummy sweet alternatives that I’ll be making!
Remember: you CAN do ANYTHING you set your mind to! ESPECIALLY for just 7 days! We got this!